Sound Healing Workshop

with Jeneen Piccuirro


Experience a carefully crafted sound bath with Crystal Singing Bowls and Symphonic Gong blanketing you as you surrender deeply into a powerful pose: Savasana.  Guided meditation and gentle movement will help set our intention and prepare our bodies, minds and souls to receive the restorative benefits of sound healing. Sound healing facilities a deeply detoxifying experience for the nervous system as well as the body.  Unplug the thinking mind and enjoy the benefits of deep relaxation.  


  • Reduces stress

  • Reduces anxiety

  • Increases sleep quality

  • Increases sense of calm

  • Increases relaxation

Please bring eye pillows, blankets, bolsters or anything you need to feel comfortable and supported as you are lying down. 

Sound healing creates a positive resonance between the body and the higher self. ~edgar cayce


Jeneen Piccuirro is a multi-talented and integrated Artist whose professional work includes visual art, dance, yoga, QiGong, meditation, and sound healing.  A lifelong pursuer of the sacred & creative arts, she has studied, trained and practiced in pranayama, mantra, sound healing, QiGong, multiple styles of Yoga, life coaching, subtle energy work and dance in addition to her MFA in painting and her long established career as a professional and teaching artist.  A natural teacher at heart, she has been guiding others on their journey for the last 27 years of her work.

Jeneen brings her innate passion for her work, her enthusiasm for sharing and her life long love of learning to every class she teaches. Always joyful, it is her deepest pleasure to serve the communities she touches through all that she does.